
Nutmeg comes from the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree. The spice flavors many dishes, both savory and sweet, in cuisine across the globe. It is sold either ground or in whole seeds. It now grows in Malaysia, the Caribbean, and Southern India as well. Indonesia produces the majority of the world’s nutmeg. It is also the only tropical tree in the world which is credited for bearing two distinct spices – nutmeg and mace. Mace is the reddish, lacy aril or covering of the seed, which is known for its mild flavor and the orange tinge it imparts to the dishes it is used in. 

Besides being an exotic spice, nutmeg is grouped under the category of aphrodisiacs, and in cooking, only small quantities – such as a little grating or a pinch of the ground powder – are used to make porridges, soups, meat gravies, beef stew, steaks, roulades, and desserts. 

Health benefits

In addition to being delicious, nutmeg offers many health benefits. Nutmeg is a rich source of antioxidants, which help protect against the signs of aging and serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease and liver disease. Nutmeg oil is used in dental products. Nutmeg improves mood and has been shown to aid sleep.

Nutmeg is used in our Cinna-dust mix.

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